I had a lot of fun doing this post and i would like to thanks the people who helped me for it.
JM (you can check his blog here) , Zoe, and Stonie babehhh. Thank you so much for your patience and being a part of it !
A big thanks to Titzuki who helped me to write something on the board too cus i'm a noob sometimes. (yeah yeah i am :P) So this is deffo a collaborative blog post hehe.
As usual you can find all the details below the pics :)
Happy shopping and see ya soon for another post! :D
Furnitures :
* Amitomo - :HAIKEI: School Gacha / Classroom Skybox RARE @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Amitomo - School Desk 1 & 3 @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Amitomo - School Lectern @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Amitomo - School Locker @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Amitomo - School Blackboard @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Soy - 6Locker @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Consignment & Floorplan - Medical skeleton @Uber
Outfit :
* Skin : Go&See - Vivienne Summer
* Hair : Diva - Rosa onyx @Collabor88
* Top : Monso - My teacher suit blazer Black @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Skirt : Monso - My teacher suit skirt Black @The Xiasumi School Festival
* Shoes : JD - Elvi Black @Fameshed
* Glasses : Sorgo - Ghost Shades
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