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dimanche 14 décembre 2014


Hello there ! Hope you're enjoying your weekend. As you can see i couldnt resist to put some snow to decorate my land.
I will blog more this week cus i got awesome items to show.
I had fun doing this scene with , i guess you will know why just seing my sexy model on the pics ahahah.
I wish you a wonderful week and happy shopping!

Furnitures :

* Half-Deer - The Sheltering Leaf

22769 ~ [bauwerk] Boudoir Chair Black / Silver

[ kunst ] - Champ. bucket / Extra brut @TMD

* [ kunst ] - Champ. glass  / Extra brut @TMD

ISPACHI - The Odyssey : Table

* Mutresse - Ribald Butler - Kim Wannabe - RARE @The Arcade

I'm wearing :

* Skin : Go&See - Sia Summer @The Big Show

* HairMINA - Selenia - Black @The Arcade

* Dress & Necklace : GizzA - Griselda Formal Dress [Burgundy]

* Shoes : Reign - Mina Heels V2 Black @Anybody

* Pose : Inertia - Maybe

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