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vendredi 8 mai 2015

Lean On

Hey there!
Good news, the new round of On9 is just gorgeous! :D I'm gonna try to show you as much as I can this month but trust me you wont be disappointed as a good shopping addict :P

This post is a mix of different event, but mostly with a fantasy mood. You will find all the details below the pics as usual ! Enjoy :)

The Scene :

* Reverie -  Venus Principle - Cerberus Statue (Pure) -L- Rare @The Fantasy Gacha Carnival (coming soon)

I'm wearing :

* Body : Maitreya - Lara Mesh body

* Head : Lelutka -  Mesh Head Karin

* Skin: Glam Affair - Silver (appliers for the Lelutka mesh head Karin , some free appliers for the body are available too) @We Love RP

* Face Tattoo  : White Widow - Inca (appliers for Lelutka, Slink and TMP) @On9

* Hair : Damselfly - Maeva Tuxedo @On9 (open the 9th May at Midnite)

* Headpiece : Gizza - Les Fleurs Headpiece Black Rare @The Chapter Four

* Outfit : Aphorism - The Black Huntress

* Shoes : E-Clipse - Apollo Black @On9

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